When you just have to operate as a sole proprietorship, MyLLC.com is here to help you file a fictitious name filing - also referred to as a DBA (Doing Business As). Keep in mind that there are good reasons NOT to run your business as a sole proprietorship (see our page on the advantages of a having a corporation).
A DBA is required by most states, including Arizona, whenever you want to conduct a business under a name other than your own legal name. For example, Galactic Resource Conglomerates may want to conduct local business as "Little Doug's Rock Emporium."
Existing entities: Want to do business under more than one name? A DBA allows you to conduct your Arizona business under a name other than your entity name. This is very common. First figure out what you want to name your LLC or corporation, then once your LLC or corporation is filed; we can help you file a fictitious name application.
and become a savvy entrepreneur with your own LLC! Our book offers customers complete entity formation, entity dissolutions/withdrawals, certificates of good standing, amendments, free corporate name checks, trademark searches and registrations, DBA registrations, registered agent services, corporate services and corporate supplies such as corporate kits, stock certificates and embossing seals.