If I plan to create an LLC do I need to file a DBA and a resale license first? Are all these steps required?
There are many components of operating an LLC . However, which aspects are required and which are optional often is the source of confusion for many business owners. One of the commonly asked questions submitted to MyLLC.com is whether a DBA (short for "Doing Business As") is required as part of a businesses LLC filing.
MyLLC.com highly suggests contacting your legal adviser to garner a complete understanding of DBAs and how and when they are needed. However, we gladly offer the following information to help you understand the basics of DBAs with the understanding that its meant strictly for informational purposes only and in no way constitutes legal or tax advice.
Typically, DBAs are needed if you plan on using a name other than the name of the LLC filed with the state. This does not change the name of the LLC but rather it creates a secondary name that the LLC is permitted to do business under. When applying for a business license, each state requires different information. Once the LLC is filed you can contact your local county's business office to see if your business activity requires it. DBAs are also known as "fictitious names."
There are times when partners of an LLC utilize a DBA when joining business organizations such as networking groups, paying for conferences or business meetings or purchasing office supplies. It's simply a name that is linked to your LLC in order to keep all transactions relating to your business separate from personal finances.
Once you have obtained legal and tax advice from your respective counsel, contact MyLLC.com to assist you in filing for your DBA today!
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Disclaimer: This information is made available by MyLLC.com, Inc. (the "Company"), and is intended for educational purposes only, and it is not legal or tax advice. No action should be taken in reliance on any information in or on this site without verification with legal or tax counsel, after review of the facts and current law, that the action to be taken is appropriate under the circumstance. Except as expressly provided to the contrary in writing by the Company, the materials contained on this site are provided on an "as-is" basis without warranties of any kind, either express or implied. Company disclaims all other warranties, express or implied, including, without limitation, implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose, title and non-infringement as to the information, content and materials on and in the site. Company does not represent or warrant that materials on and in the site are accurate, complete, reliable, current or error-free.