We Wrote the Book on LLCs!®

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Incorporate or Form Your LLC

With MyLLC.com, it's easy to incorporate or form a Limited-Liability Company (LLC) in any state!

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Read our book! Limited Liability Companies for Dummies

…and become a savvy entrepreneur with your own LLC! Our book offers customers complete entity formation, entity dissolutions/withdrawals, certificates of good standing, amendments, free corporate name checks, trademark searches and registrations, DBA registrations, registered agent services, corporate services and corporate supplies such as corporate kits, stock certificates and embossing seals.

Our clients frequently ask:

bulletWhich type of entity is best for my company?
bulletWhich state should I form my LLC or corporation in?
bulletWhat are the differences between business entity types?
bulletHow can I avoid double taxation?
bulletDo I need an Employer Tax Identification Number?
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